Soul Activism Initiatory Mentorship
program for women ages 20-35
Tools, practices and support for living a life of meaningful connection and contribution, earth stewardship and regenerative community.
***There are two concurrent groups in this Series: Initiatory Mentorship for women ages 20-35 and Embracing Wisdom for Women mid 30s and up (see below).
2020 program dates: January 18, February 15, March 14, April 11, May 9
This program brings together 12 women ages 18-35 for a 5 month journey to deepen your capacity to be of service in the world through honing the instrument of your heart. It is an opportunity to receive mentoring and support around bringing forth your unique gifts, recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs, deepening your capacity for joy and connection. Together we look at what needs clearing and integrating, what stories, patterns and beliefs are no longer serving who we are and what we are here to do and lean into a circle of support to celebrate, hold and water our vision.
Engaging practices of elemental nature-based ceremony, inquiry, heart centered facilitation, the way of council, dream work and community ritual in a circle of women, we enter a time of listening, letting go of what is not true, and opening to our essential selves. With the map of the wheel of life, we explore personal, relational, communal, global, aspects of mind, body, spirit and heart.
In this culture of competition, consumption, achievement, productivity, speed and ego, it is courageous, radical activism to slow down and listen to the call of the soul, to be with all the parts of ourselves that make us who we are, the pain and the magic, the shame and the glory, and to act in integrity, integrated whole, from our deepest wisdom and compassion. This is an opportunity for revelation and remembering your naturalness and unique expression, a new and old way of being that is rooted in our connection to the earth, each other and the holy wild living world.
Core practices:
Nature Connection
Sensory awareness
Self-generated ceremony
Soul Work - core patterns and limiting beliefs, dream work, wheel of life map, trauma resiliency, authenticity and connection, ancestral lineage, somatic awareness, grief
Mindful presence
Program logistics:
We meet one Saturday a month over the course of five months at a location somewhere in nature, near Santa Barbara, CA. Depending on weather, we may meet indoors at a private setting. Whenever possible, we will meet in a natural setting. Generally we meet from 10am - 4pm, although some meeting times may vary slightly.
Participants bring their own lunch.
Program overview:
Session 1: Introductions and Wheel of Life
Session 2: Gratitude and Resourcing
Session 3: Honoring Our Pain
Session 4: Healing, Reconciliation and Resilience
Session 5: Going Forth with Meaning and Purpose
Program details:
Limited to 12 participants.
Cost: Offered in the spirit of the gift economy, where each person offers and pays what they can. General cost is $700 ($140 per session). If cost is a concern, please contact to inquire about possibilities.
For registration and to learn more about gift exchange, fill out form here.
Alexis Slutzky
““Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”